
Lesson Planning Tips - How to Teach Students About Natural Disasters

In light of hurricane Katrian and the impending hurricane season, teaching about natural disasters is just as important as natural disaster recovery and aid.
In most cases, the government provides assistance when a natural disaster strikes. However, it is often volunteer relief organizations that come to the aid of the community, helping natural disaster victims in many ways. this article will give lesson plan idea on how to go about teaching this emotionally traumatic and difficult subject to kids.
The following first lesson plan on helping natural disaster victims has important implications for volunteering, its benefits and aspects of community service.
Discuss with the class:
* What do you think is the main purpose of volunteer relief organizations?
* Who do you think work for these organizations?
* How do you think these organizations get funding for their projects?
In pairs, students list the qualities they think an individual needs if he or she wants to be a volunteer for a disaster relief organization. Then have them share with another pair and finally with the entire class. Ideas are gathered collectively on the board.
Then, have students present a disaster relief card by searching on the Internet for information. Have students pick an organization and think in what way this organization helps people in times of a natural disaster.
Fill in the natural disaster relief card.
* Name of organization: _________________________________
* What the organization does to help_________________________
* How can a person volunteer: ____________________________
* What I thought about the information I found:_________________
FEMA For Kids (Federal Emergency Management Agency) has a wonderful resource center for parents and teachers called "Young Americans: Becoming Disaster Ready," which includes disaster relief organizations sites and lesson plans.
Finally, in groups, create a disaster relief organization and post a message on a disaster relief message board, telling about your organization and request volunteers.
Lesson Plan 2- Introduction to sensitizing students to government and volunteer aid
1. Bring photos of people helping others during a natural disaster. Brainstorm what the volunteers are doing in each photo. The Fema site has vivid photos.
2. In pairs, list examples showing when the government helped people after a natural disaster.
3. Again, in pairs, describe how you or your partner and family helped a person in need. How did it make you feel? Share your ideas with the class. This could easily open into a discussion on the subject of volunteering in general leading to the pros and cons of volunteers and the underlying importance of giving help to others in need. Students can discuss what other ways there are to give.
Student Presentations - Summarizing News Briefs on Disaster Relief Organizations
1. Brainstorm types of relief and aid such as: doctors and medicine, donations of food and clothing, money, legal and emotional help, engineers
2. Bring news briefs of recent natural disasters to the class. Have students summarize the information based on: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
3. Make sure their summaries include the important information such as: the place and type of natural disaster, the damage caused and the relief that was needed.
4. Have students present their summaries to the class.

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